Preacher the Storyteller at Farmer Palmer’s Farm Park
Preacher the Storyteller will be at Farmer Palmer’s during the summer holidays!
WEDNESDAY 26 JULY (12pm-3pm)
12-1pm: Roaming the park, interacting and entertaining your little ones with short stories – Based at the animal activities: Pampered ponies & Alpaca chatter.
1-1:45pm: The Story of Farmer Palmer’s Farm Park (An Interactive Retelling) – Picnic Area outside the Hen House or in the Small Barn (weather dependent).
1:45-2:15pm: Roaming the park, interacting and entertaining your little ones with short stories – Based at the animal activity: Creature comforts.
2:15-2:30pm: BILLY GOATS GRUFF (An Interactive Retelling) – Picnic Area outside the Hen House or in the Small Barn (weather dependent).
2:30-3pm: I Love Visiting My Favourite Farm Park – Picnic Area outside the Hen House or in the Small Barn (weather dependent).
FRIDAY 4 AUGUST (1pm-4pm)
Picnic Area outside the Hen House or in the Small Barn (weather dependent).
1:30-2:30pm: The Story of Farmer Palmer’s Farm Park (An Interactive Retelling)
2:45-3:15pm: I Love Visiting My Favourite Farm Park
3:15-4pm: STORYTIME (Everything Donaldson)
3:15-4pm: STORYTIME (Everything Donaldson)
Preacher will be reading a selection of Julia Donaldson books ranging from Gruffalo all the way down to a squash and a squeeze
WEDNESDAY 16 AUGUST (12pm-3pm)
PREACHER IN THE BIG BARN HOUSE (Big Barn): Interactive stories whilst sat amongst adorable furry creatures
12-2:15pm: Classic Children Stories retold
2:15-3pm: I Love Visiting My Favourite Farm Park
WEDNESDAY 23 AUGUST (12pm-3pm)
Picnic Area outside the Hen House or in the Small Barn (weather dependent).
1:30-2:30pm: The Story of Farmer Palmers (An Interactive Retelling)
2:45-3:15pm:I Love Visiting My Favourite Farm Park
3:15-4pm: STORYTIME (Everything Donaldson)
Preacher will be reading a selection of Julia Donaldson books ranging from Gruffalo all the way down to a squash and a squeeze.
WEDNESDAY 30 AUGUST (12pm-3pm)
12-1pm: Roaming the park, interacting and entertaining your little ones with short stories. Based at the animal activities: Pampered ponies & Alpaca chatter.
1-1:30pm: THE FARAWAY TREE (Interactive Story-Read) – Picnic Area outside the Hen House or in the Small Barn (weather dependent).
1:45-2:15pm: ALICE IN WONDERLAND (Interactive Story through the Maize Maze)
2:30-3pm:I Love Visiting My Favourite Farm Park – Picnic Area outside the Hen House or in the Small Barn (weather dependent).
Book your tickets here
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